Fylde MMM No 296
Advancement Ceremony 24th January 2013
Fylde MMM No 296 meeting on 24th January saw Bro. Lee Martin of Blackpool Lodge No 1476, advanced in
due style by the WM Bro. Rory Maskell assisted by Lodge D.C. David Bell who took over the later part of
the ceremony.
Lee was proposed by two of the newer Fylde members
Bro's Robert Arrand and Simon Caldwell, all being
from the same Craft Lodge.
Robert and Simon are so taken by the Mark Degree
that they wanted to share their own experience with
Lee and these three Brethren are yet more additions
to Fylde's flourishing roll.
Bro Martin is the third advancement in this masonic
season for Fylde 296 which has also seen the
Installation in November and a further candidate was
proposed on the evening.
The photograph shows:
Bro Martin being congratulated by the W.M. along with the Dep P.G.M. Keith Beardmore, Special Rep John
Forster, Prov S.W. Andrew Dickson and Grand Officers Bob McGown and Jimmy Rogers at the festive board .
A total of 12 advancements have taken place in the Fylde area since September as the Mark Degree steps
ahead and the R.A.M. has seen four elevations with further candidates in the pipeline. 
Photo by David Bell
Article by Keith Beardmore